Memorable moments at the table begins with great quality products. At Brasas we focus on two of the most important centerpieces of the table- Wagyu & Wine. Both are produced on two extraordinary locations yielding products of unparalleled quality and distinction.
The most luxurious quality beef raised in the most conscientious way. Our beef is estate raised and finished on The Genesee Valley Ranch located in a pristine valley tucked into the Sierra Nevada forestland. The beef is 100% wagyu breed, and grass fed on organically grown native grasses yielding and unparalleled prime grade grass fed beef.
Browse through the assorted cuts available by culinary application. These collections have your next dinner in mind, from the casual and quick to the formal dinner party.
Learn MoreBrowse through the assorted cuts through the butcher’s lens. This section is great for those who want to better understand where each cut of beef comes from on the animal.
Learn MoreEstate grown wines produced by a family whose passion and dedication to the land and a legacy of exceptional wine shines through every bottle. Palmaz Vineyards is the hub of the Brasas Club events as a memorable place gather and celebrate together. Check out Palmaz Vineyard’s website for more information and purchase wines a ‘la carte.